how to respond for a job offer

How To Respond For a Job Offer With Professionalism

The moment you have been waiting for the past few weeks is finally here. Getting a job offer is an exciting part of an individual’s life because you finally got a job offer after a tiring job hunt! But do you know how to respond for a job offer? You cannot answer with just yes or no right? Whether you plan to accept, reject, negotiate, or ask for more time, it is crucial to have the same level of professionalism in your response as you did in the interview process. 

Whether you want to accept, negotiate or reject a job offer letter here’s how to respond for a job offer

How to Respond To a job offer via email

How To Accept the offer     

When the company you have applied to is perfect and you are not happy with your current position, it can be hard to send a yes immediately after receiving an offer. But, there are a few things you can consider before accepting a job offer. Take a minute and look at the offered salary, title, benefits, and other terms. If everything meets your requirements, then you can start writing your acceptance letter.

But make sure you keep these things in mind

  • Make the acceptance simple 
  • Repeat the job title and related terms
  • Tell them the expected start date
  • Express your thanks
  • Define anything that requires to be explained
  • Ask about extra paperwork or information to give
Dear XYZ,
I want to thank you for giving me the electrical engineering position at the ABC Company. I am so happy to accept the offer and start working with the company officially. As discussed, my yearly salary will start at $45,500, including three weeks of paid leave and a complete benefits package available at 90 days of employment. Please let me know if there is anything I can give before my start date on February 3, 2019?
Thanks again!
Josh Mark

Your purpose should be to answer their letter as quickly as possible. Correct any mistakes or other errors before sending your job offer reply letter.

How to Negotiate Your Offer

After reviewing the job offer, if the salary or benefits or job title is not meeting your requirements or differ from what you expected, you have the chance to negotiate.

You can request a time for a phone call or meeting with the hiring manager in your response. Be ready for the conversation with your particular counteroffer, but make sure you ask questions rather than make demands.

Make sure you keep these things in mind

  • how valuable your skill set is, 
  • Express enthusiasm and gratitude
  • Make sure you ask for a salary that you actually want.
  • Be willing to negotiate extra benefits.
  • Decide what you’ll do if they say no.
Dear XYZ,
Thank you for giving me the product manager position at the ABC Company. I am so excited about the opportunity of working with you.I noticed the given bonus is not what we previously discussed. Are you available for a phone call today or tomorrow to discuss this?
Thanks again,
Markey York

That shouldn’t be too hard to do, right?

Remember that while you are negotiating through email, you should follow these guidelines. As soon as they’ve responded, you’ll know exactly what you need to do next.

How to decline the offer

If you already have a better offer in your hand and you have decided that this is not the job for you, you can refuse the offer completely. But you still have to be polite. You don’t have to explain everything about why you are deciding their offer letter. But it will be respectful to give a reason. But there are a few things you still have to keep in mind while you decide on a job offer letter.

  • Start With a “Thank You” …
  • Simply State Your Rejection.
  • Give a Brief Reason for declining the job offer.
  • Give a Recommendation. 
  • Express Your Desire to Keep in Touch.
Dear  XYZ,
I want to start by saying thank you for the offer and the time you took to speak with me during my interviews. I know this job search was quite an undertaking for your team. Unfortunately, I have to decline the Software engineering position at this time. I have accepted a different job offer that is a more suitable fit for me at this time. I wish you and your team all the best, and I hope we can remain in professional contact in the future.
Maya Glenn

That’s all you have to include.

A job offer rejection letter shouldn’t be too long. It should be short and polite, and you aren’t forced to go into extra detail as to why you’re rejecting their offer. 

Things to check before accepting a job offer

Now you are cleared with how to respond for a job offer but how to know job offer is perfect for you or not. A legal document, the Job offer letter can be difficult to modify once it has been signed. In addition, any modifications made beyond this point generate a massive jam and create more work for others.

So before you sign the job offer letter, check out all the things I have mentioned below. This will help you make a better decision.

  • Dates and Times
  • Job Responsibilities
  • Base Salary
  • The financial health of the company
  • Check the Bonuses
  • Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreements
  • Check the Benefits
  • Non-Compete Condition
  • Non-Solicit Agreements
  • At-Will Employment
  • Agreement Clauses


Whether you’re accepting a job offer letter from your dream company or in the middle of the negotiation process or wanting to reject the job offer, knowing how to respond for a job offer will help you communicate confidently and move forward with your career goals. You can answer with just yes or no also, but that won’t be appropriate. Hopefully, you fully understand how to respond for a job offer!

Got any questions regarding jobs or interviews, or other points to add about employment offers? Let us know in the comments below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I accept a job offer immediately?

You should be aware of companies who insist on a fast response. It takes considerable diligence to accept a job offer appropriately. Responsible employers give potential employees some time to ponder before accepting a job offer (typically a day or two).

How To say thank you for the offer letter?

For the opportunity to work at The Good Company, I am very grateful. Your team spent a lot of time and effort interviewing me and reviewing my application. I’m grateful for it. I appreciate your consideration of my application for this position. I look forward to working with you in the future.